Sunday, December 16, 2007

are you too anxious?

No matter what your score, read our stress-busters to make the season more Zen!
Do any of the following statements apply to you?

•My eye seems to twitch a lot.•I have trouble sleeping. •I get sick before taking a test. •I’m always biting my nails. •It’s difficult to concentrate on simple tasks, like short school assignments. •I need things to be “perfect” to feel relaxed.

If you can relate to two or more items, anxiety could be getting the best of you. Next time you’re in a tailspin. Tune in to your personality when choosing — do you like to go at a slow pace or do you prefer to work off your stress?
It makes a difference!


Anonymous said...

Have you ever get anxious?
because your title is 'pieces of me' and you have post about anxious...

Actually I have had that disorder too but I really didn't know that is anxious..
I just thought that was insomia...

I like you background and your style while you combine one thing with others stuff...

uhmm in my opinion this blog isn't enough represent yourself because I haven't found that..
according to verbal-non verbal communication, you need extract on your blog which is can tell audience about yourself...

but I still love your blog's style... ^^